Thursday, July 18, 2013

My love for design.

If I could choose a dream job, it would be design. I would build and design houses and rooms all day long and LOVE it. Colors, design, shapes, structure, textures. Dream. Job.

Chris and I have been very fortunate to be able to buy and remodel 2 homes. With each house and project, we learn more about what we love and don't love. I'm very thankful to have a super , handy-dandy husband who, literally, knows how to do everything. He's a winner.

We used to spend hours...and hours...and HOURS watching HGTV. It was on our TV non-stop. Since we had Mason, it doesn't come on as much but tonight we turned it on and watched it for a few hours. Oh...I have an itch. We've done remodels. I'm ready to build. I would LOVE to start with a clean canvas. Can you imagine a shopping trip to HomeGoods?? Picking out vases, pillows, rugs, and décor to mold every room around? That would be a dream day for me. One day.... :)

For now, I'll settle for HGTV giving me my fill of design until 12am.

Goodnight, ya'll!


  1. :) I'm already looking at house stuff, too. I think I'd wait until I actually SAW the house to start buying stuff for it though ;) That was a big mistake with me!

  2. Design is definitley your thing and you have an amazing eye. HomeGoods always fun I really just need to give you money to go shopping for me:)

  3. I love HGTV its on a lot in my house!

  4. I have on HGTV all the time :-)
