Thursday, April 11, 2013

I'm rocking my baby...

(I just wanted to write this down because it was so special to me)

I have so much to do tonight. This whole day I've been thinking about everything going on, how busy we are, things I have to get done before we leave tomorrow for a few days. I'm sure you've heard of "packing everything but the kitchen sink." Boy is that true! Babies/toddlers have so many things they need. Pack n play, monitor, blankies, toys, diapers, pacis for bedtime, food, milk, noise machine, etc. etc. etc. As I put Mason down to sleep tonight, I walked out of the room and I told him I loved him, walked downstairs, you know, the normal bedtime routine. A few minutes later he cried so hard. So I went back upstairs, took him out of his crib, and rocked him. He sat facing me, put his head down on my chest, and just let me rock him. He has never been much of a cuddler. When it's time for bed, he wants in his bed. So I held him and rocked him and held him and rocked him. What a special way to say "Hey Mom, slow down. This is what's important." So I did. The packing will get done. Even though it means a later bedtime or packing the car in the morning, it can wait.

There's a cross stitch my Mom made when my oldest sister was a baby. It came to mind tonight as I savored my snuggles... So for all you Moms (and Dads!) out there that have a million things on your mind, a never-ending to-do list, and only 2 hands, keep this in mind when things get too busy..
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.
-Ruth Hamilton
I love you, Mason.


  1. Oh, how I love love love this!!!!!!! Best post ever.

  2. Way to make me cry when I woke up. So special <3. Have fun on your trip!

  3. that's so true - things can wait! You'll wake up one day and he'll be a teenager! LOL Its true....time goes by so fast. Enjoy your weekend!
